Thank you for visiting the Guildford Islamic Cultural Center website. The GICC is located in Surrey, BC and is one of the first mosques in Guildford. The GICC is not only a mosque, it is also a community center. I invite you to visit us and discover the beauty of our Center. This will give you an opportunity to meet our diverse and friendly community represented by dozens of different ethnicities. Hope to see you soon at our center!
Guildford Islamic Center
The necessity of establishing a worship Place in Guildford was felt in June 2008, and with the sincere efforts of a few brothers, a place was in Guildford Library to cater for brothers to attend Jumuah prayers. It was realized that a permanent place was required to have daily prayers establish in the area. Due to increase of members in October 2008 one of the brothers kindly vacated his office situated upstairs at 209-10222 152 Street Surrey and also generously contributed toward the rent. May Allah (SWT) reward him for his generosity. A musallah was established.
By the will of ALLAH (SWT) the community kept growing in Guildford. In the month of Ramadhan last year it was realized that we needed to move to a bigger location. As there were many brothers attending taraweeh prayers at the musallah and it was felt that it is becoming hard to accommodate the community in Salaat ul Jumuah (Friday Prayers) in existing Musallah.
A few brothers took an initiative and started search for place with adequate space to accommodate the increasing community. Guildford Islamic Cultural Center (GICC) was formed and registered. The objective of GICC was acquiring a place of worship of our own. After going through many properties around the area we were not able to get what we were looking for. In the meantime there was an urgent need for the Musallah to move, as by earlier this year we were not able to accommodate for brothers coming for Jumuah.
However this property at 101 15290 103A Avenue was up for lease and after Mashwara it was decided to lease the building. The musallah was shifted in March 2014, to new Location at 101-15290 103 A Ave Surrey BC. GICC management has still a task to meet with the regular payment of monthly rent, allied expense and above all renovation cost which is mandatory to make it workable.
By the grace of Allah (SWT) we have completed our renovations. Many of our brothers generously helped in this course. Since moving from 700 ft² location to 1900 ft² we are now able to accommodate about 250 people. Alhamdulillah now five times daily prayers is observed. This year Tarawih prayers will be observed Insha’Allah.
GICC is looking to serve about 250 families living in the vicinity of the Musallah. Now that the renovation is completed the next phase is establishment of a maktab. This will require us to acquire the services of a qualified teacher. Adult education classes are also being considered to be established. There are also plans to have our youth involved in the community. Once the lease expires in 2019 our long term goal is to establish a masjid with a madrassa in the area.
We request you for your generous support towards achieving our goals.
Serving the Muslim community in the area of Guildford, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.
Copyright GICC Masjid. Made with Love. Partopia Digital.